Inquiry to Technical service dept.:
Inspection, repair, inquiries about trouble and so on
Inquiry to Spare parts supply sect.:
Inquiry for spare parts and so on

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Inquiry department

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Handling of Personal Information

Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to Nippon Pusnes Co., Ltd. (“we”, “us”). We properly collect, use, disclose and hold personal information provided by you in accordance with related laws, rules and our privacy policy as below.
Definition of Personal Information
Personal Information is any information about you that identifies you like name, date of birth, home address, email address and so on or by which your identity can reasonably be ascertained.
Management of Personal Information
We take all reasonable steps to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, disclosure or things like that.
Purposes of use of Personal Information
"We collect personal information like name, date of birth, home address, email address and so on from our customers, suppliers and other parties as is reasonably necessary for purposes relating to our business functions and activities.
We may properly use and/or disclose the personal information for the purposes as below:
・Providing services on the Website requested by the customer.
・Providing information about email news letters, seminars, events and so on.
・Requesting the customer to answer to questionnaires from us.
・Shipping goods, gifts and so on to the customer.
・Analyzing to improve our existing services and conduct surveys of a new service.
・Producing anonymized data for reference to our customers and us."
Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties
We do not disclose the personal information collected from you without your prior consent other than the case ordered in accordance with the stipulation of laws or regulations.
Inquiries as to Personal Information
We will make every effort to respond to your requests promptly to disclose, amend, or delete your personal information collected from you after your identification verification is properly completed.
Use of Access Analysis Tool
We use Google Analytics, which is a traffic access tool provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect your traffic data when you visit our website. You can refuse collection of your traffic data by setting preference of your web browser to unable it. The traffic data does not enable identification of any personal information. For more details please see “Google Analytics Terms of Service”.
Improvements to Privacy Policy
"Privacy Policy may be changed according to constitution or change of laws or regulations without prior notice. The change becomes valid when the change is officially noticed through the Website or other method. If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, please contact the address as below:
Postal Code 751-0833, 18-6, Takehisacho 2-chome, Shimonoseki, Japan
Name of Company:
Nippon Pusnes Co., Ltd.
A. Mukugi(Mr.), Dept. of General Affairs
Phone: +81 83 252 1311"

※Confirm button will appear after all the required fields are filled in.
